Arrival and First Two Days

    Hello everyone! I made it safely to Honduras, through security, and across 5 hours of countryside with few complications, praise the Lord! My fellow student teacher and I made it to our apartment at around 11pm on Saturday evening, which meant that we had been up for over 19 hours that day! Needless to say, I was quite exhausted. 

    Yesterday we spent touring the local towns and beaches, one of which is pictured above. We were also able to try "topos" (pictured below), which are basically a popsicle in a bag! They were incredibly refreshing after being in high-80 degree weather! I also was also able to buy some produce at one of our neighbor's vegetable stands and am quickly learning the challenges of meal planning and buying groceries! I am excited to navigate this new, more independent, lifestyle. 

    Today, I was able to go to the school where I will be teaching and help prepare for the students' first day back after break, which will be tomorrow. Going to the school only made me more excited to see them and meet them. I am also looking forward to learning from all of the teachers here. They are all incredibly welcoming and have inspiring ideas for classroom instruction! 

    Thank you for praying for my travels! God's hand was definitely over me, protecting and guiding my journey. 